A Student name will not be registered unless the under mentioned documents/information has been provided by the parents.
1. The birth registration certificate from the Municipal office (attested photocopy).
2. Two recent passport size photographs of the child.
3. The latest progress-report and transfer certificate of the student. (not applicable for the beginners)
After the above requirements have been fulfilled, the student name will be registered for the class applied-for by the parents. The registration fee is payable by the parents at the time of registration.
The registration does not carry with it the guarantee of admission which will depend on the following:
i) The student has qualified in the admission test (written) followed by the interview.
ii) The student must attain the prescribed minimum standard in the written admission test.
iii) Admission will be granted at the sole discretion of the Principal.
iv) Admission once done is subject to the condition that the student so admitted will be on probation for one academic year.
v) The registration fee is valid for the year in which the child is registered and neither refundable nor transferable to another year.
vi) Admission will entirely depend on the number of seats available in the class for which the student is registered.